Contact Lenses

  • Insurance synced Apply vision benefits See {{switchText}}
    {{ (hasLenses && toInsurance.isEnabled()) ? 'Vision insurance applied' : 'Apply vision insurance' }} See Benefits
    See Benefits Add your insurance to take advantage of your vision benefits.
    Insurance benefits won't be applied to the prescription glasses promotion.
    Insurance cannot be used without selecting prescription lenses
{{ getInsuranceBenefits("contactLenses", '/wcsstore/TargetOpticalStorefrontAssetStore/') }}
Your benefits will apply once lenses are selected
Schedule an eye exam


Multifocal Contacts

Up close or far away? There's no need to choose between the two! You can have the best of both worlds with multifocal contacts. Multifocal contact lenses are perfect for anyone who needs different prescriptions: one for working close-up and another for seeing at a distance. Our selection of multifocal lenses includes contacts for astigmatism and other common vision conditions from most loved brands such as Acuvue. You'll also find daily-disposable contacts so you can use your daily contacts to start each day off fresh with a brand new pair. If you're new to contacts, why not book in for an eye test at your nearest Target Optical and discuss the best solution for you with one of our eye doctors?